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10. Family Acting: Susan McMillan

9. Yes, Jon's Father Is There

8. Family Acting: The Wheels on t

7. Family Acting: Mom's Picks Bif

6. Family Acting: Zoe Chooses Sup

5. Jon Chooses Sarah

4. Karyn Chooses First

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: Susan McMillan

avatar on 2009-03-28 16:39:13

2922 hits, 198 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Who's Susan McMillan?" Jon's dad asked, looking curiously at the paper in his hand.

Jon groaned, Karyn snickered.

"Sarah's mom," Zoe answered curtly, looking annoyed at her brother and her friend. Zoe took the game very seriously and wanted to get started.

"Wow!" he responded, "We've never had two people in one family before. This'll be exciting!"

"Everybody ready?" Zoe was already standing, wanting to get going. There was a general consensus around the room. "Let's go then! See you next week!" She bounded out the door toward her new, temporary home. Mikey quickly followed, waving as he left.

Jon's mother quickly gave her husband a kiss, then walked out the open door and turned down the sidewalk toward Biff's house.

Karyn, knowing that Biff and Tiffany were neighbours, ran after Jon's mom. "Wait up! We'll walk together!"

"Well, kiddo," Jon's dad ruffled his hair, "should we head over to the McMillans? It'll be interesting to see us both in the same house!"

"Yeah, dad," Jon said, starting to regret his wish, "Should be interesting."

They walked out the door, closing and locking it behind them. They drove to the McMillan's house, pulled into the driveway, and got out of the car. Jon watched how quickly his dad got out of the car and ran up to the house. He really was enjoying the experience. The wish was more powerful than he had anticipated, causing his family and Karyn to really get into the game.

Jon had caught up to his dad just when the door opened. Opening it was Sarah, the hottest girl in school, in shorts and a t-shirt, looking like she was settling in for a relaxing evening.

"Oh, hi," she said, rolling her eyes, "I guess someone here got picked this time. Who was it?"

Jon smiled, amazed at how the wish had gotten everyone involved.

"Um, I got you," Jon started, "and my dad got your mom."

"Great," she said, not meaning it, "well come in, we'd better get started. Mom! You got picked for 'the game'!" Then, turning to Jon's dad, "Mr. Madison, come in and sit down, she'll be along soon. Jon, come upstairs with me. We only have three hours to go over everything before I have to leave, so we'd better get started. I don't want you screwing my life up this week."

Sarah took him by the hand and led him upstairs to her bedroom.


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