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12. After lunch, it's...

11. Later, at lunch...

10. Here comes Coach

9. Bathrooms and locker rooms

8. On the bus

7. The next morning...

6. Back to her room

5. Time for dinner

4. Jon's a Male Girl (2)

3. Sex and Gender

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

JAMG: Health Class

avatar on 2020-01-12 22:01:06

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“Health class after lunch. That’s kinda disgusting,” Zoey thought as she and her friends dispersed from the lunchroom. She and 23 other males shuffled into the school’s only sex-separated class, Male Health. The teacher was Mr. Rob Cross, who also coached the baseball team.

“Welcome, class. Today, we’re going to talk about how we got here. In animals, sex and gender are linked, so why not in humans?” A few rolled their eyes and a couple sighed. The PowerPoint advanced to a slide showing something Zoey and others had seen before: the coordinate graph. One axis, from top to bottom, listed male and female, and the other axis, from left to right, read “Boys” and “Girls”.

“Without much intervention, males grow as girls and females as boys,” Mr. Cross explained. “However, in the Middle Ages, we learned how to raise males as boys and females as girls. In fact, intervention is necessary for puberty to work properly, even for male girls and female boys. Today, in the United States, about one out of every three people is a male boy or female girl. But in some countries, there are far more males for social reasons. In India and China, they have to pay people to have girls. Then there’s Mexico, which is overwhelmingly girls, as I’m sure some of you have noticed on vacation.” A few people giggled.

“A few bodily functions, of course, are determined by sex,” he continued, pointing back to the visual aid, with the male and female halves colored in. “The most important are the reproductive system and pregnancy. Only females, of course, can get pregnant, and only males can impregnate them.” The next slide highlighted the boy and girl halves. “But almost everything else is determined by gender. Breasts, body hair, voice, height, fat distribution. If not for what’s between our legs, we’d be indistinguishable from females of the same gender.”

Zoey’s mind drifted from Mr. Cross’s lecture to thoughts of Vanessa. The one time they’d had sex already, at Vanessa’s place the night after a football game. How soft and moist she was. Already, her clit was getting thick just thinking about it. Goddess, I’m horny. She was glad nobody was noticing.

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