Unfortunately for Jon, by the time he reached his class it had finished. Ms Lustby was still there, marking a few papers, she glanced up to see a petite Japanese schoolgirl standing nervously in the doorway.
"Lustby-Sensai, sorly I am late back to crass", Jon said struggling to pronounce what he was saying correctly.
"Wow Jon or I suppose Jen-chan now, I sure didn't expect you to turn out like that initially. You must have bumped into some other students. I wonder what you looked like straight after my juice did its work", she said with a smile. Jon looked at his arm as he notice the skin start to pale and he reverted to his previous female form. "That's better than I expected, I didn't think you'd end up so petite, you're so cute".
Not wanting to provoke her any further, Jon made his apologies, hoping to get turned back to normal.
Ms Lustby responded "I can see you are sorry, but I need to set an example to other students, I'll consider changing you back tomorrow, but for now you'll have to put up with the consequences. That includes you being subject to the will of others, as you will no doubt of realized when you turned into some anime fans wet dream. Now I'll let you choose a punishment from this list, some of them will be useful work experience, none of them will be easy", she said handing Jon a list.
The choices on it were:
Assist Ms Lustby with her Sex Ed class
Work experience in the cafeteria & kitchens
Work experience with the caretaker
Work experience as a classroom assistant in middle school
Helping at the elementary school, during recess
Looking very sorry for himself Jon said, "I choose..........."