As Rick raced through the house, he put the medallion around his neck. He figured it would be easier to find a way out (or make one) if his hands were free. Unfortunately, that also meant that if any type of clothing touched the medallion, Rick would turn into the person who last wore it. But he didn't think about that. At the moment, he only had one thing on his mind: escape.
Hearing the Sydneys getting closer, he ran into one of the bedrooms and locked the door behind him. But when he turned back around to dash towards the bedroom window, he accidentally tripped and fell to the floor. Throbbing pain shot through him, thanks to the fact that he was naked, especially "down there". But soon, the pain was replaced by another feeling. At first, he didn't know what was happening, but then realized that he was changing!
He looked down and saw that the medallion was touching something at the foot of the bed. He reached for it, still changing, and grabbed part of it, holding it up so he could see it better. It was ...