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11. Dancer: Jon goes back to Town

10. Jon Dances

9. Jon tries To increase his Stat

8. Dancer's first quest

7. Dancer

6. Destiny of the Shining Souls R

5. And one more version

4. "Haunted" house (correct)

3. Home alone 2

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

DotSS: Dancer: Jon goes back to Town

on 2011-06-07 04:55:09

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Jon decided there was no way he was going back to the bars to dance for money, he had no plans of ever doing that again, and he still was pretty nervous about fighting enemies, maybe he'd go into town and buy a weapon, even though his character page said he couldn't use weapons, he figured there was nothing stopping him from carrying a sword.

He sauntered into town, it seemed to be the only way he could walk without focusing on each step, if he didn't he swung his hips sexily, swishing his skirt back and forth.

When he got to town he found the weapon shop, he thought of trying on some armor too, most armor had a large increase in HP and defense, but all the ones he saw had a very large decrease to Attractiveness, and what was the point of being able to take more hits if he couldn't fight. so begrudgingly he stuck to his cloth top and skirt.

He moved over to the weapons rack, picking up a dagger, it seemed like a perfect weapon for him, light and quick, but he found as he tried to hold it, its clean handle would slowly slide out of his grip, he tried a practice swing with it and accidentally threw it into the wall.

looking around awkwardly he pulled it out of the wall and placed it back where he found it. He tried a sword with the same problem, he nearly dropped it on his toes. and even a large hammer, He couldn't even lift it.

It was hopeless. he was about to leave when he saw a section of armors made of cloth, he decided to investigate those a bit more. he found that some of these were more meant for mages, they looked goofy and decreased his Attractiveness, while some were meant for a dancer class, he even found a pair of gloves that functioned as weapons, they were glittery and had strings hanging off of them but they increased his ATK by 1 and his Attractiveness by 3, that was good enough for him, he bought them, along with a tiara he found that increased his MP by 5, doubling it and increasing his Attractiveness by 2, and lastly a pair of shoes, these had a higher heel, so they decreased his speed by 3 rather than 2 but they had 5 more attractiveness.

He had spent 5 gold but he thought it was worth it

slipping on the gloves made him feel ridiculous he looked like he should be on stage dancing wearing them, not to mention the silly Tiara he now sported, but he had to wear them, it was worth it.

Leaving the building he decided to venture further into the town and explore more.

that wasn't too bad, he was a bit stronger, even if he could barely move, with a speed of 1 but atleast his attractiveness was going up some more, if he ever got enough gold for a body customization it would go up a lot more. but for now he kept on walking.

When he got to the other end of town, his paper flashed, looking at it he had completed a quest Explore The Town it said. and not only that he had leveled up gaining, some hp, mp, and +1 stat to all stats and an extra point in ATT (short for attractiness from now on) he checked his stats, including the points from his equipment, he had.

HP: 25/25
MP: 12/12
Strength: 7
Speed: 2
Defense: 5
Luck: 16
Attractiveness: 32 (17 + 25 - 10)

not only that but he had learned a new move "Supportive dance" it increased the stats of party members as long as he kept on using it.

It was at this point a board near the exit of the town was glowing it said


jon looked further down and saw a group listing, full of people looking for more people to group with.

Jon wondered if a group would actually want him now, he could be of some use maybe now.

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