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9. Back to Normal (mostly)

8. Good Morning

7. Was It Good For You

6. Dinner and Experiments

5. A Small Hiccup

4. Not as Straight Forward as Exp

3. Jack goes first

2. A Magic Marriage

1. The Drafting Board

Magical Marriage: Back to Normal (mostly)

avatar on 2020-01-03 13:26:02
Episode last modified by LimitedPower on 2020-01-03 13:27:32

1387 hits, 97 views, 4 upvotes.

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“Let’s see if we can give you a desire to become taller”, Paula said. “We’re pretty sure it needs to be sexual desire as opposed to simple want. So first, we’ll just get you out of those clothes.” So saying Paula lifted her husband and held him with one arm, his face smashed against her huge boobs while with her free hand she pulled off his shoes, pants, and underwear, giving his bare little bottom a stinging swat before setting him down. In one continuing motion, she grabbed his shirt and pulled it off over his head as she stood up, leaving him naked and eye to crotch with her.

Jack was shocked to find himself so easily manhandled by his wife, but it was also strangely arousing.

Smiling as she watched her tiny little husband’s large cock harden and rise, she giggled to see him now having to hold it with both hands. It was a large cock by normal standards, but at Jack’s size, it was like a pressurized fire hose to him. Waiting for Jack to look up, Paula blew him an exaggerated air kiss and began to strip. Grinning in delight, Paula stepped close to Jack, leaving him not just eye to crotch but nose to snatch.

With a gleam in her eye, Paula began a little shimmy dance that culminated with her holding the back of Jack’s head, pressing his face into her wet pussy as she performed a slow grind up and down again and again until he looked like a glazed doughnut. Paula then turned around and bent forward placing one hand on a chair, her ass in her husband’s face, and reached between her own legs to grip Jack’s cock with her ring hand. “If you want it you have to come up and get it,” she said as she gripped and squeezed Jack’s throbbing erection.

Stunned and crazy aroused with his face pressed into his wife’s ass and held there by her powerful grip on his erection, he huffed and gasped as Paula slowly, too slowly, frustrated him with a hand-job that teased while rhythmically bouncing his face repeatedly against his desired objective. With his ring hand extended over his head and pressed against the curve of his wife’s huge round butt above him, he knew what he wanted and found himself quickly growing back up to full size. Only now Paula was inconveniently short. This thought last only a moment before additional changes resolved everything.

Paula knew she’d frustrated the hell out of Jack and congratulated herself when he suddenly grew larger. Expecting her husband to immediately take her, she was momentarily surprised to suddenly find herself rising onto her toes. Mashing her over sized boobs down with one hand as she continued gripping the chair with the other for balance, she saw that she was suddenly wearing outrageous platform stilettos. ‘The platform had to be at least three inches,’ she thought, ‘and the heels had to be …,’ was as far as she got before all thought was driven from her head as she squealed and gasped with Jack’s powerful thrusts that went on and on in wondrous torture before ending in a final grand thrust that pulsed deep inside of her as they both screamed their release.

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