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12. School Girl Jon Goes Up

11. School girl

10. What to Wear

9. In a Dressing Room

8. The Hallway

7. Lost After Showering

6. Girl World

5. And one more version

4. "Haunted" house (correct)

3. Home alone 2

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Girl World: School Girl Jon Goes Up

avatar on 2016-02-28 15:34:06

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Jon decided that going up would be a better idea, so he headed up the stairs. At the top there was a grey door, Jon opened it and went through. On the other side of the door there was a long corridor, it looked like a school corridor with lots of doors on either side and some lockers placed here and there. It made sense to Jon seeing as he was in his school girl outfit however he didn't know where to go next, he decided to try each door just to be safe

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