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76. The Back Room

75. Running a Tab

74. When Jon Met Kelli

73. Worlds Collide

72. Kelli's night out

71. Jon's Medical Intuition

70. Kelli Gets Raedy to go Out

69. Jon's New Biker Friend

68. Girl World: Jon gets adventuro

67. Fun in the Bedroom

66. Girl World: Kelli's New Home

65. Helpful Kelli

64. Girl World: Back in Girl World

63. Controller

62. Girl World: Jon gets dressed

61. Kelli Fills In

60. Girl World: The Secretary

59. The Perfect Outfit

58. Starting with the End

57. Getting Clean

Girl World: the Back Room

avatar on 2017-01-05 03:38:28

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"You're in luck," Jon heard the bartender's gruff voice from just ahead in the dark hallway, leading them toward the back room of the club, "I had two servers call in sick tonight. I'm short-handed. It shouldn't take you too long to work off what you owe me, and if your tips are good, maybe you'll go home with some pocket money of your own."

Jon liked the idea of pocket money. He hadn't know about the Premium Content services at Girl World, so if he encountered one again, he'd love to have some money in his purse. The last thing he wanted was another embarrassment like this one. Not that it was going to be a bad experience; Since he had arrived at Girl World everything had worked out, and he expected that this would work out too. Besides, with all the nice, friendly denizens enjoying the nightclub, he was sure the bartender's assessment was right.

Glancing sideways at his new companion, Jon noticed that Kelli looked nervous. Since he had the most experience at the resort, Jon decided that it would be best if he reassured the newcomer.

"Don't worry about a thing," Jon said, placing a hand on Kelli's shoulder as they walked, their heels clicking on the cement, "This guy's going to work everything out, and we'll going to come out as right as rain."

Kelli gave Jon a meek smile. "If you say so," Kelli said, "I've never been a server before. I've only ever been a delivery guy."

"It's pretty much the same thing," Jon laughed, "Only you get tips!"

The bartender pushed a doorway at the end of the hall wide open, stepped inside, then held the door for Jon and Kelli. "This way, ladies," he said with a chuckle.

Jon returned the chuckle, while he noticed Kelli blush. He didn't mind a little locker room ribbing from one of the guys. Maybe Kelli was a bit more sensitive. Jon took note of that and decided to make sure he didn't hurt his feelings too much.

The back room was a dingy, dimly lit room with rows of metal shelves, each stacked with cases of beer, and boxes of hard liquor. If Jon had been a younger man, he would have been extremely excited at the sight. As it was, he was already tipsy from his cosmopolitans, and didn't want to compromise his judgement any further.

"You won't be able to work in that," the bartender indicated their clothes, "You'll have to get into the uniform. I have some in your size. Wait here."

He disappeared down one of the rows of shelving, then around a corner, leaving the pair alone. They could still hear the music playing, but it was considerably muted in this storage area, giving them the first time to really talk.

"So," Jon said, unsure how he should really talk to a crossdresser. He didn't really have anything against them, but why anyone would come to Girl World and dress up like a woman was beyond him. "How are you enjoying your stay?"

"Oh, it's great!" Kelli gushed, seemingly happy to finally be talking, "Everybody's so friendly, the drinks are great, and wait until you see our apartment. It's amazing. Way better than I have back home!"

Jon smiled at his roommate's enthusiasm. He felt the same way. Everybody was so friendly at Girl World, even the bartender who was going out of his way to help them out. While the details were fuzzy in his brain (probably all his drinking), he remembered so many things that were great about his vacation so far. Being in a movie, working in an office, helping out a clothing store, each adventure being surrounded by friendly, great people. The only thing missing from his time, so far, were the women. He was sure he'd get to that soon enough, though.

"Oh, you're still dressed?" The bartender sounded disappointed as he walked back around the corner, two duffel bags in his hands.

"Sorry, sir," Kelli said meekly, "We didn't know you wanted us to undress while you were gone."

"It doesn't matter," the man sighed, dropping the bags at their feet, "I've got to get back to the bar, anyway. I don't have time to hang around and watch, as much as I'd like to."

Jon liked the sound of that. He was a hard working man, but if he had only had the time he would have spent more time with his new friends. Again, a charming example of Girl World hospitality.

"Wait a sec," the bartender continued, pulling some spot lights off of one rack, aiming them at Jon and Kelli, then turning them on. The pair found themselves in a bright halo of light, a pool of brightness in a sea of dim. Then the bartender grabbed a webcam, set it on a tripod, aimed it at Jon and Kelli, and turned it on.

"Okay," he continued, "now change and meet me out at the bar. I'll let you know what you need to do."

Jon, happy that the man had provided extra light (it was difficult to dress in the dark), also understood the need for the camera. While he was sure the bartender was a great guy, trustworthy, generous, the problem was that the bartender didn't know anything about Jon and Kelli. Anything besides the fact that they owed him money, that is. Of course he'd want to have a camera on them, leaving them alone with all this booze! It just wouldn't be good business to let the change unwatched! Bottles could go missing! Bottles could get broken!

The man adjusted his pants (he seemed to be having difficulty with something shoved down the front of them), turned, and left Jon and Kelli alone. Jon saw Kelli smile sweetly for the camera, then peel off his red sparkly dress. Jon, not wanting to be shown up, followed suit, unzipping his leather jacket. Having a lot more to take off, Jon found that by the time he was fully naked, Kelli was already exploring the contents of the duffel bag, bent at the waist, knees locked, rear end facing the camera.

Jon quickly copied his companion's pose and unzipped his bag. Inside he found...

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