But then Jon remembered that he still had the wishing stone. Duh! He could just wish to know where Santa's stone was. So he did just that and found out that his sister Zoe had it. But when he tried to wish the stone back, nothing happened. He was going to march into Zoe's bedroom and just take it from her, but Santa stopped him.
"If your sister has my stone, then you need to be very careful," he told Jon.
"Why? You told me that your stone can only prevent magic, use magic, or redirect magic. She doesn't have anything that's magic, aside from your stone."
"Are you sure about that?" Santa asked. "Because I sense that your sister and her friend Athena have been dabbling in some minor witchcraft. I'm surprised that you haven't noticed."
Jon knew that his sister's friend was interested in the occult, sure. But he thought it was just a harmless hobby. He never thought that witchcraft was real. Then again, the wishing stone was real, and that was magic. So why couldn't witchcraft be real too?
Now suddenly worried, Jon asked Santa what he should do.