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8. Sarah's New Fascinations

7. Trial Family: It Get's a Littl

6. Maybe the stone will help

5. the first day

4. The start

3. Trial Family

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Trial Family: Sarah's New Fascinations

avatar on 2009-04-16 16:45:27

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Sarah had never before known how interesting action figures could be. She sat cross-legged on the floor of her new bedroom staring at the virtual army of figurines before her and wondered how she could have gone her whole life without buying even one. Sure, she had had her share of dolls as a little girl, but these were different. WAY different, she corrected herself. Dolls were lame, action figures were AWESOME.

She knew that she should be doing her homework as her dad (Karyn, she though to herself, no sense in getting carried away) had told her. She looked over at the desk in the corner of the room and wondered what type of homework a young boy would have to do. Whatever it was, it couldn't be as interesting as these toys. She felt, for some reason, that these things were very important.

Reaching out and grabbing a Batman with one hand and Joker with the other, she began playing out a fight scene between the two of them. In her mind, as well as in her hands, she saw a grand battle playing out. She heard explosion noises escaping her mouth which sounded both alien alien to her, but she enjoyed the sound so much she made more.

She was so into her game that she didn't notice the door opening and her mother (Jon) entering.

"Ahem," Jon cleared his throat, "Young man, didn't your father tell you to get right at your homework?"

Sarah shot up, toys forgotten, and bolted for her desk, "Sorry mom, I'm doing it!"

"You'd better be!" Jon said, repressing a smile. Not only did he enjoy watching Sarah act and dress like a little boy, but deep inside he was feeling a strong affection for her, a strong motherly affection. He watched her frantically scribbling multiplication answers under his watchful eye and felt a sense of pride; his son, Sarah, was so smart. If only she would apply herself.

At that thought, he turned back into the hall, walking toward Joseph's room. Inside, he found...

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