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5. merger: different mixing

4. Make a merger

3. Cloning Device

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

merger: different names in each of the categories in the mixing

on 2007-12-10 03:05:32

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John decided to skip the animal and plant categories. Instead he deiced to focus just on the human ones. John realized each of the categories had name blanks he could fill in. Does this mean he could do different minds merged than he did for the bodies? he decided to test it by having a different name in every category.

He looked at the first category: bodies. Jon chuckled to himself as he always wanted to humiliate the big jocks at school and make them dress like woman.

Inspired by his dressing idea John grabbed the stone and made a quick wish that he had sexy female clothes in a box in his room that could fit the person he made.

John then entered his body choices.


BODY 1: Biff Meadows

BODY 2: Mike Matthews

He chucked to himself, humiliating the bodies of those two big jocks could be fun, and they wouldn't even know anything was wrong.

Now for their memories. He worries a bit as a body that massive could hurt him easy if it hated him, He'd NEED a friend in their. He also decided at least one of the minds should be male in order to make their body fit their memories better. It was then he knew his choices.


MEMORY SOURCE 1: Karyn Saunders


He smiled. Karyn is his closest friend. And Tim was aclose friend who still likes John but they drifted apart a bit as tims tastes got more and more athletic. Thus he'd have someone who would remember liking John and unlikely to be angry if he realizes he was made a freak.

Now for personalities. John knew he had to go all female on their personalities to get the effect he wanted. He know he needed to choose one of the biggest sluts in the school to dress sexy and act girly. He also knew he had to choose a nice, friendly, shy, and somewhat naieve girl who would be easy to convince if she had a feeling things were wrong.John knew who to choose.


PERSONALITY 1: Tiffany Sanders

PERSONALITY 2: Yukio Meshida

Tiffany Sanders is a total slut, into sexy revealing fashion, and outgoing. She was so slutty the she even got knocked up once as she slept with the whole football team. But best of all the personality without the memories means she will not remember being pregnant. On the other hand Yukio Meshida is cute, friendly, naieve, and a bit shy.

John smiled as he pushed the button to start the cloning button and got the box of clothes ready while waiting.

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