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21. The new Bet

20. Make Derek a girl

19. Madison's Secret Weapon

18. Madison meets him.

17. The Day Goes On

16. The New Bet.

15. Madison Explains the Dress

14. The next morning

13. Later that night

12. Why did that happen?

11. Can't reverse the wish

10. Another Bet

9. Another quick wish or two

8. The wish

7. More Information

6. Jon learns why he dresses like

5. Jon tries on the Princess's Cl

4. Madison

3. Who's clothes will Jon wear

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

The new Bet

on 2010-07-23 02:51:06

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Jon and Madison arrived to find Derek and his friends waiting. They were grouped together and giggling, and when they saw Jon and Madison come around the corner on their skateboards they erupted in laughter.

"Hey Jon!" Derek called out "You skate like a GIRL!" and the whole group roared with laughter again. Jon felt his face flush. He knew that because of his wish, his skateboarding skills were superior to Derek and he couldn't lose, unless his bet changed the original wish. So Jon knew that to win, he'd have to remain as he was.

"Is that so?" Jon said, unconsciously stopping, kicking his board up into his grip and placing his other hand on his cocked hip, way too girlishly. However he realized his mistake when the group laughed uproariously again.

Jon got annoyed and crossed his arms as he cocked his hip the other way, which flared out the skirt to his dress in a decidedly feminine manner. And again the group of boys were laughing so hard they all might just have strokes. Madison was surprised at how Jon was acting, not sure if he was doing it on purpose or not.

"Jon, what are you doin?" she asked him with worry in her voice. Jon turned to her, with a look of chilled terror.

"Madison, I can't help myself... this stupid girly body is just acting like a girl, I can't stop it!" Madison looked at him, with a stern gaze, hoping he'd realize that he just called her body stupid. But he was still a boy, in his mindset, and he didn't catch it.

"Oh, Man Jonnie girl!" Derek said strutting over to him. "I don't know why I didn't see this before, but you've got one Fiiiiineeee body!" Derek flipped at the hem of Jon's skirt as he walked around him admiring him from all angles. "What do you think boys? A little work in the Salon and this fine piece of ass would be dateable, right?" And then Derek pinched Jon's ass.

Jon's first reaction was to punch Derek straight in the face, but his body did something quite different. His hand came down in the girliest slap possible and Derek didn't even flinch.

"Oh Baby!" Derek giggled "You're a feisty little sexpot, I cannot wait to see you lose this next bet!"

"What makes you think I'll lose?" Jon said in a defiantly girlish pose.

"Jon, look at yourself, you've lost tiwce, and look at you..." Derek trailed off, as he looked at Jon's rack "Just look at you!" Jon reacted as any self respecting girl would and placed his dainty hand across his cleavage and said.

"I'm up here!" but that only illicited another chorus of laughter from the boys.

"I know you are, but you're pretty boobs are down here." Derek said poking Jon in his right breast.

"Dammit, Derek!" Jon said slapping his hand away "Stoppit!"

"Oh, Jon... I gotta make a new bet... you've gotta let me make a new bet!" Derek said pulling the Marble from his pocket. Madison's eyes grew as she saw the opportunity she had told Jon to make.

"What... what kinda bet?" Jon asked sheepishly.

"Only one way to find out, babe." Derek said holding it out for Jon to touch.

"Fine." Jon rolled his eyes and touched the marble as Derek's smile grew.

"If I win, Jon will become fully female and she will agree to date me!" Derek said as he looked Jon up and down mischievously.

"Fine, but if I win, Derek will become female from the neck down and will relinquish the marble to me." Jon said as Derek's mouth fell open.

Noone was laughing now as they all stared on in shock.

"Wha... why wouldnt you wish to get your body back?" Derek asked worried.

"Because," Jon walked with a sexy sway to his hips as he put a finger under Derek's chin "I'd rather you be a sexy girl and wait out my girlishness, than just become a boy again, Sweat heart." Derek's eyes were wide in worry. "Besides, when I'm a boy again in a month, and you're still a girl for the rest of your life, maybe I'll ask you on a date." And Jon then pinched Derek's ass.

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