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17. A Helping Hand

16. First Wave

15. The Internet Is Unleashed Upon

14. Athena Has the Stone

13. Meet the Parents

12. Stimulus

11. All In the Family

10. Women AND Men Have Breasts

9. Athena Uses the Stone to "Help

8. Jon get's them

7. No, They Don't Know About the

6. Karyn and...Athena?!

5. My Two Girlfriends

4. Polygamy

3. Perverted World

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Internet Unleashed: A Helping Hand

on 2014-01-22 19:32:54

2347 hits, 144 views, 1 upvotes.

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Not all the transformations Athena saw were her "cup of tea" of course, the internet is a dark, diverse and nebulous place. Some of the things she saw were a little terrifying, and she felt a little bad for the victims of more...unfortunate circumstances. Well, they were really all HER victims she realized.

Athena had lost track of centaur Don and his three wives because she had been nervously watching one of the clerks at Bath and Body Works turn into a werewolf. Athena had held the stone just in case the woman turned werewolf decided to try to snack on her, but luckily the wolf woman just headed to raid the food court instead. When Athena turned back around Don and his wives had already left and they had taken the eggs with them.

Going back out into the mall Athena saw a few new transformations, but it was clear most people had already fled the place. One person who would NOT be fleeing anytime soon was the woman Athena saw climb into the planter in the mall hallway and turn into a tree. Another person having a hard time fleeing was a woman with long blonde hair who had turned into a mermaid. She was being dragged carefully out of the mall by a man in a dark grey Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie.

Athena went up to them and asked, "Need any help?"

The mermaid looked up at the hoodie man, who said to Athena, "Well, yeah, thanks, actually he's kind of heavy."

"He?" Athena asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, um, this is actually my fellow co-husband, Matt."

"Oh, sorry" Athena said biting her lower lip a bit, "I thought this was your wife or girlfriend or something."

"Uh no, our wife is well, in my pocket, actually."

Athena's eyes went wide with surprise again as the man reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a tiny and naked doll sized woman!

"CRAIG!" The tiny woman squeaked, "How dare you put me in there!"

"Sorry honey, I have to help Matt out to the car, he obviously can't walk out there on his own anymore. Just stay put, I'll let you back out when we get to the car."

"No! I demand that hrrmmmph....." The tiny woman's protest was cut off by being stuffed back into the hoodie pocket.

"She'll be fine" Matt the mermaid said in a sultry feminine voice, "at least she's still human, and the same gender."

Athena Grabbed one of mermaid Matt's arms and helped Craig the hoodie guy get him, well, now HER back out to their car. It was actually kind of tough getting her into the backseat and positioned so her fin didn't get hurt.

Once Matt was finally in place Craig turned to Athena and said, "Thanks. Say uh, did you need a lift or anything?"

Athena replied, "well, actually, yeah are you going anywhere near Maplewood?"

"Yeah, that's not too far out of the way. Hop in, you can hold Kaitlyn for safekeeping on the way there."

Athena was suddenly handed the tiny protesting naked woman. Getting into the front seat and being careful not to hurt or drop the tiny person they all set out from the mall. Off in the distance Athena saw the giantess from earlier, she was clearly now well over 50 feet tall and near the Green Oaks Estate subdivision. She must have gone home, even though that was pretty pointless because she's now bigger than her house!

"Holy shit" Craig said at seeing the giantess, "She's getting freaking huge! I hope she's done growing! Are you seeing this Kaitlyn?"

"Yeah I see it" The tiny woman said while crossing her arms, "Lucky bitch. I'd rather be huge than a tiny doll woman!"

Craig glanced over at his tiny wife and said, "Well, at least you can be indoors this way hun. Look on the bright side, we'll make this work somehow."

"Make this work?!?" The tiny woman squeaked in tiny rage, "I'm a shrimp! How the hell do you think we'll make it work? One of my husbands is a fish woman and I'm smaller than your dick! How are we supposed to have a sex life or have kids now?"

Matt the mermaid piped up from the back, "Calm down Kaitlyn. I don't know how my new uhhhh anatomy works but I'm sure there are SOME things we can do together. And as far as kids we can always use a surrogate or adopt!"

"What good will it do us to adopt, Matt? The baby would be bigger than I am! How would I take care of it? I'd just be a...TOY or something to it! And we'll probably have to keep YOU out in the pool most of the time now. And as far as sex life, well, sorry honey but it will probably take a long time before I'm comfortable being intimate with you in...however it is you get intimate now. I'm not even sure if I'm comfortable being around Craig's giant penis!"

Craig mumbled something just then, but Athena couldn't make out what it was. Kaitlyn heard it too and she looked up at her husband and said, "What did you say?"

Craig sighed and said, "I SAID that's not going to be a problem."

"What do you mean?" Kaitlyn asked with a harsh tone, "are you saying you don't want to be intimate with ME? Look you are still my husband, and I am still the leader of this marriage! I know we can't have conventional sex anymore but I still expect you WILL do at least something with me when I'm ready! Are you saying you don't want to do anything anymore?!?"

"NO! It's not that, it's, well, I didn't want to say anything with this nice young woman in the car, but if you guys INSIST on discussing our sex life you should probably know I don't HAVE a penis anymore."

"What?" the tiny Kaitlyn said with genuine surprise, "So, what do you have then, a vagina?"

"No, I thought that at first when I felt a big tug in my crotch when all this shit started and then I noticed an emptiness on my groin, but when I felt down there briefly earlier that is not what I have."

"Well, what DO you have then?" Matt asked from the back.

"I...don't know. I have been so busy helping you and being worried about Kaitlyn I haven't exactly had time to inspect myself! And AGAIN, I'd prefer not to discuss it right now!"

The trio continued arguing until they finally arrived at Athena's street. She thanked them all for the ride and walked back to her house. Once she got to the front gate she looked at her home and wondered what she would find waiting for her inside.

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