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13. Meet the Parents

12. Stimulus

11. All In the Family

10. Women AND Men Have Breasts

9. Athena Uses the Stone to "Help

8. Jon get's them

7. No, They Don't Know About the

6. Karyn and...Athena?!

5. My Two Girlfriends

4. Polygamy

3. Perverted World

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Meet the Parents

on 2013-12-31 17:58:50

3814 hits, 219 views, 2 upvotes.

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After fumbling his bra back on, Jon returned to the bedroom to find Karyn and Athena laughing hysterically at a You Tube clip of the old "Baywatch" intro. David Hasselhoff was on screen running on the beach in slow motion with his bikini-like swim top jostling about as his breasts bounced with his steps.

Athena looked over at Jon and said, "Hey stud, nice rack!"

Jon blushed a bit at that. Obviously the girls were enjoying the changes they had made to the world of men.

Karyn looked over at Jon as well and said, "Aww, don't be embarrassed Jon, I think you look good with boobs. It's kind of sexy in a weird way. Besides now that you guys know what it's like to have big weights on your chest all the time maybe you'll get some empathy and won't ogle ours as much."

Jon just shook his head as the girls continued playfully mocking his new bosom. After a short while though Athena's phone buzzed and she indicated her mom had told her to get back home for dinner. After Athena kissed Jon goodbye Karyn piped up, "Well, I'd better get home too, a bet one of my moms will be calling me soon to chew me out anyhow. Having five mothers is a pain in the ass sometimes."

Karyn gave Jon a quick kiss as well and then left. Jon went downstairs to find the black man from his family photo sitting in the living room with Zoe, his new brother and his new other sister. They were all watching "The Truman Show" on one of the old rerun movie channels. The man smiled at Jon and said Hi to him, Jon just said "Hi" back, not knowing what else to say to him without letting on that he had never seen him before...

Jon made his way into the kitchen to find his dad, his mom, and the brown haired man from earlier. The brown haired man had found his Ipad and was playing candy crush on it at the kitchen table. Jon's mom was making up a batch of instant mashed potatoes and Jon's dad was slathering more BBQ sauce on his beef ribs that he liked to call his "secret recipe". Jon loved his dad's beef ribs, he hoped they hadn't changed in flavor now that Jon's dad was apparently making much larger batches than he used to.

Jon sat at the kitchen table across from the brown haired man. Seeing him with his Ipad gave Jon an idea how to resolve his lack of knowledge about his new family. Pulling out his phone he opened his Facebook app and went to his friends list. He soon found the profiles of his new family members.

First he found the brown haired man was Alan Hershal. Jon thought it was odd that he had the same last name as his mother's old maiden name until he found his dad's profile, he was now called Darren Hershal. Scrolling through more contacts Jon found the black man in the living room was named Jeff Hershal. Wow, Jon thought, apparently all three of these men had taken his MOM'S last name when they married her. Realizing what that probably meant, Jon went back to his own contact info. Jon saw that he was now named Jon Hershal.

After a bit more investigation he found his new sister was named Gina and his new brother was named Nathan.

While Jon was digging through Facebook his dad finished his ribs and set them on the table. Jon's mom called out to the rest of the family and told them it was time to eat.

Zoe, Jeff, Gina, and Nathan all filed in and sat at the table. Jon saw Jeff give a semi-clandestine squeeze to his Mother's left breast when he was walking to the table and thought none of the kids could see. Jon's mom jumped a bit, then smiled and gave Jeff a playful tit squeeze in return. Jon noticed that both Alan and his dad had also noticed the breast squeezes, but not only were they not jealous, they even smiled a bit at Jeff's playful antics. Jon thought it was weird that his dad and these two new men now all SHARED his mother, but Jon knew that it was his wish that had caused all of this after all.

As Jon ate his dad's still delicious ribs, he watched his enlarged family have conversations. They talked about sports, TV shows, and all the usual things you would expect people to talk about. They had no idea that half this "family" and indeed even the breasts hanging from all the male member's chests had not existed just a few hours ago. For all of them, this was normal.

After dinner Jeff agreed to clean dishes, Jon's dad went out to the garage, the kids went to watch TV while Jon's mom and Alan went upstairs. Jon heard the bedroom door shut and knew full well what Alan and his mother were probably up to.

As he thought more about all the strange changes, Jon was having a hard time figuring out if his new found wish stone was giving him what he wanted. While having two hot girlfriends was nice, having some stranger in his parent's bedroom plowing his mom right now was just strange. Also, the male breast thing was oddly kind of hot, but still odd. But Jon knew that with the wish wording that had caused his and all other male breasts to into being, any attempts to un-wish his or any other man's breasts away would either fail or result in something worse. At LEAST he had given his own polygamy wish an escape clause (or so he hoped). But as far as that was concerned, Jon was still on the fence whether to even try to undo his polygamy doings or if he would get used to his new family and all the other things. And after all, the thought of marrying BOTH Karyn and Athena and maybe a few other girls was still quite sexy....

In any case, Jon figured he should get the stone and hide it to at least keep it from falling into the wrong hands. Jon went to his room and looked for the stone, he soon panicked a bit when could not find it!

"Who the fuck has the stone?" he said aloud to himself....

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