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14. Stud Muffin meets Steve Muffli

13. Before Jon can do anything...

12. Karyn, SHUT UP!!!

11. Feeling slightly benevolent to

10. The woman asks a question, and

9. A mother asks the first questi

8. Maybe not quite finished

7. Changing clothes

6. Beautification

5. An unexpected trio

4. Nothing happens right away

3. games (simple)

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

It's like "12 Monkeys", except with more sex...

on 2008-07-19 21:40:48

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(I warn you...this is a weird one. It ran away from me, but ran places that seemed interesting.)

"Well...yes. Do I know you?"

Stud Muffin stepped closer to Her, a look of wonder and awe stamped on his heretofore arrogant features. He looked like a man on the verge of bursting into song.

Instead, he took her hand in his, kissed it tenderly, and said "Do you remember meeting me? I mean...I've changed seince then, but still. I went to your school, Karyn. When I was just a boy, I sat behind you in History and Creative Writing class. My name was Steve Mufflin then. Do you remember me?"

Karyn, Jon and the boy he'd been seeming to pick on all did a double take. For one thing, the quiet boy WAS Steve Mufflin! Jon only knew him to say hello to in the hall (one reason he was willing to just let this guy change him, then move on with his life), but Karyn had a very good reason to know him. She'd stepped in to defend him because he was a sweet boy, who was always helpful and polite. He'd been her Study Buddy in Creative Writing, and in his own quiet way...he was becoming a better friend than Jon. Jon hadn't realized it, but as this year had passed...he'd become more interested in his own problems and less in hers. He was becoming self absorbed, and when Karyn needed to talk about something serious...she was starting to turn to Steve.

"You're Steve Mufflin? I don't..."

Actually, she did believe it. It was only around the edges of his features that she could see it, but Stud Muffin did have Steve Mufflins facial features.

"I...I thought I recognized that device..." Steve Mufflin said, standing and walking towards his counterpart. "...I wrote some...stories about it. Over at Fictionmania and some Yahoo sites. And they...I wrote a story about you two..." he pointed at Suki and B.J. The two girls giggled and cooed over him, and he realized that they were actually Sarah and Nichole - two cheerleaders from school. He'd been piched on by them for years, and he'd worked out his aggressions in a story. He'd used this device to change two fictional cheerleaders named Sara and Nicki into...

"But how? How are you here? How did you get this device? I...I created it in a story. Heck, those two people..." he pointed at Cassie and Tori "...have been changed just like a couple in one of my stories. I always thought black and asian woman were can you exist?"

Stud Muffin only seemed slightly interested in what his counterpart had to say, prefering to gaze at Karyn. He looked at her with such hopeless devotion that she felt somewhat embarressed. She noticed that a tear ran from his chek, and he only answered once he'd blinked it away.

"I'm...from the future, Karyn. I came back, only having the vagest memory of where you were or even what you looked like. Jon takes my memory of you away when he finds out that I...the we...that I love you. He eventually uses that damn stone to turn you into a sort of...fantasy fuck doll. He get's the idea from one of my stories, if you can believe that. I eventually find out about it, and I confront him. There he is -- big and muscled, with his damn wishing stone, and you aren't even you anymore! Just an empty bimbo for him to fuck. I sttack him, and he beats me easily...throwing me aside and saying "Aren't you a brave one, Stevie? You think you love Karyn? No, you don't even KNOW Karyn!"

And just like that...I don't. I wander away, certain that I'd lost something pressious and bautiful. But...I can't remember. Eventually, I turn back to my fiction...but I'm always writing about a girl named Karyn. I begin to feel she's real...or WAS real...and all that time, Jon's made himself Emperior of the World! Nobody thinks this is odd, not even me...and we all become his willing slaves. He makes us all into perverts and sex adicts...and the world is just one long orgy, with all of us worshiping at his feet. His...and his favorite concubine...Sarah."

Stud Muffin glared at Jon, his fists clenched and his jaw set.

"You didn't even make Karyn your Queen! You made that cunt SARAH! Where was Karyn durring all of this? Well, after I found this device...a device which contacted me through my imagination when I was younger, and eventually called me to it in the real world...I found out that you tossed Karyn aside once you made Sarah love you! You threw her away...and by the time I had the ability to challenge you -- to sneak into your palice and steal your stone while you slept...I found out that Karyn was DEAD! You hadn't killed her...but you'd made her LOVE you, and after losing interest in her...she killed herself!"

Jon was shocked! Karyn was horrified! Steve Mufflin was starting to cry, and Stud Muffin was roaring in anger-choked grief!

"So...I can't save my world. The stone can't reverse the changes made by it, so MY world is just a sex-mad distopia where everyone worships your corpse, because I can't make them NOT worship you! Heck, look at me! Thanks to your future wishes, most every man looks like this. You made changes in the human race that I can't reverse, so I'm stuck like this. I can't even stop thinking of sex, because you made us all perverts! But...with great effort of will...I am able to control myself to this degree. Look at what I've done to these people. This is the best I can do. You made us like this..."

Stud Muffin looked again at Karyn, then turned away. The tears flowing freely. He no longer looked like a greek god, but like a very unhappy, emotionally crippled man who had more regrets than blessings.

"I'm sorry, Karyn. I've been looking for you, and as I looked...I did things like this to people. I'm sorry...but please understand, this is...just the way he made us. People in the future have very little self control. But...we can change that. I've come back in time, to take the stone from Jon before he can destroy us all...and you. Oh, I loved you so much, Karyn. I knew you existed, and that I wasn't dreaming. Please..."

Jon stepped in, saying "BULLSHIT! I don't believe ANY of this! You're telling me I cause this, and that I kill Karyn?"

Stud Muffin grabbed Jon by the neck, and growled " do...your casual wishes just ruin lives, Jon...and you die!"

"But...aren't you...or I, ruining them too?" Steve asked.

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