jon stuttered out "oh shit i forgot to set a duration"
"oh don't worry i've thought of something, i wish jon had remembered to set a period of time when he made the wish to have my body." karyn said
just then jon's eyes glazed over for a moment then he said "it worked now if i think back to what i wished i remember saying "I wish i had karyns body for a period of two months""
"oh wow i kinda expected like a day or two, but i guess i'll live, i mean i'm a guy life should be easy" karyn exclaimed
"yeah right i'll have it good, getting out of tickets by pouting and squeezing my boobs together, not paying on dates, not that i'm going on any with guys, just proving how much easier you had it" jon stated
"oh really girls have it easier well i wish when anybody takes somebody elses body they can't help but dress and have the mannerisms of the intended person and they have to act a little like them to. there now you've got to wear skirts and dresses and makeup."
"oh fine you win this round lets go out and see who's already taken somebody elses body...