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25. She rolled a Six

24. Joseph's turn is extreme

23. Steve does not choose Jon

22. Sarah loses some control

21. Some things never change

20. Who the new players are

19. Aftermath 3 and a bigger game

18. The final round

17. Things get hairy

16. Sarah's Turn

15. Rolls a 12

14. Approaching the end

13. Things get a bit sticky

12. Another round cums and goes

11. Another steamy turn

10. Rolling on

9. Things start to heat up

8. The game continues

7. Steve chooses Jon

6. Steve

Twisted Game: Sam rolls six (real one)

on 2015-11-26 00:37:13

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"Yes! A six!" Sam yells triumphantly, then shifting her gaze upon Sarah who paled instantly. "Stand up Sarah." She said with a great deal of delight in her voice.

"Whoa, wait Sam, can we talk about this?" Sarah said while doing her best to resist her first command, but could do littler more then slow it's movements down slightly. "I mean I feel terrible about anything that has happened between us in the past." Sarah tried to sound sen-seer but just sounded scared."

"Oh I bet you do. But, I bet I can make you feel better about it." Sam leaned back, resting on her hands. "Until your next turn, how about you shake your tits as hard as you can, side to side please."

Sarah let out a pained gasp as her body started to twist left and right, letting her breasts swing side to side, smacking into each other and pulling on her chest. "AH! This hurts you bitch!" Sarah yells.

Biff starts to stand up to defend his girl when Steve just puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head no, making Biff take his seat again, but still looking annoyed. Everyone else just watches uneasily.

"Good to know. And Just wait, I can do worse." Sam said, seeming to be enjoying her new control over Sarah already.

Roger picks up the dice, doing his best to not stare at Sarah, instead focusing on Steve, wanting to get payback on him for what he has done to him and Jon.

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