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22. Sarah loses some control

21. Some things never change

20. Who the new players are

19. Aftermath 3 and a bigger game

18. The final round

17. Things get hairy

16. Sarah's Turn

15. Rolls a 12

14. Approaching the end

13. Things get a bit sticky

12. Another round cums and goes

11. Another steamy turn

10. Rolling on

9. Things start to heat up

8. The game continues

7. Steve chooses Jon

6. Steve

5. The new players

4. Excuse me for one moment...

3. Games

Twisted Game: Sarah loses some control

on 2015-11-19 16:28:13

2002 hits, 181 views, 1 upvotes.

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The dice landed on a 6 and Sarah picked up her card.

"It is cute when couples have things in common, so the next person to roll a 6 will not get to control your choices, but will control your actions!" Sarah paled, but looked around nervously at the rest of the group, but then read on. "But if you manage to be the one to roll a six, you get to gain control of your boy toy's choices." She looked at Biff, hoping she managed to gain control over him.

"Aw, but I don't want to let him go." Said Steve, getting a glare from Biff. as he picked up the dice and then rolled, not liking the idea of now being some sort of item to be owned.

Biff got a 7 and picked up his card. "Pick any player and then choose a gender specific physical change." Biff just looked at Steve, knowing whatever he wanted to do was not what Steve would have him do. Jon gulped as he thought the same thing and figured Steve would make him even curvier or sluttier some how.

Steve looked over at Jon and smiled. "Biff, I think you should pick.." He then leaned over and whispered his instructions to Biff, who look surprised for a second before he spoke his forced choice.

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