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20. Who the new players are

19. Aftermath 3 and a bigger game

18. The final round

17. Things get hairy

16. Sarah's Turn

15. Rolls a 12

14. Approaching the end

13. Things get a bit sticky

12. Another round cums and goes

11. Another steamy turn

10. Rolling on

9. Things start to heat up

8. The game continues

7. Steve chooses Jon

6. Steve

5. The new players

4. Excuse me for one moment...

3. Games

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Sam and Roger

on 2015-08-17 19:56:31

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On the bed now sat Samantha Kane and Roger Jones. Both were somewhat infamous among the rest of the student body at the high school. Samantha, or Sam as she insisted on being called, was a tall punk girl. Her short blond hair with it's dark purple tips draped over the right side of face. She was easily the tallest girl in school standing just over 6 feet tall. Her slightly athletic figure made her look even taller. Her modest chest and behind were a topic of disdain for her, being quite vocal on the topic. Though when this information was spread from of Sarah's cheerleader underlings, Sam had tackled her right in the middle of the cafeteria and badly pummeled the girl's face and chest. She had been sent to a different school after that and no one had seen her since. But now she sat on Jon's bed dressed in her normal cut off jeans and ratty hooded sweatshirt.

Roger had been one of Jon's childhood friends, but even he would admit he had been really nerdy. But after he spent a year as a foreign exchange student, that changed. He went from a skinny, wimpy nerd, to a rotund, mildly aggressive nerd. He stood just shy of 5 1/2 feet tall, but had alot of bulk. He had grown a go-tea and shaved his head, making him look far older then he was. When he had first gotten back he was teased for his new size, but he did not stand for it. Steve himself was the one who found this out when he was sent to the hospital with a broken nose and tail bone. Ever since then nearly everyone was afraid of getting on his bad side, aside from any of the fellow nerds who almost viewed him as some kind of body guard.

Both and Roger and Sam looked a bit disoriented, but quickly came around.

"What the hell just happened!? And where the fuck am I?!" Sam almost shouted.

"Karyn? What is going on here?" Roger askes, looking around and recognizing Jon's room. "Why are we in Jon's room?... and where is Jon?... and why is that douche bag here?" He pointed at Steve, who flipped him off in response.

"And it better be good for making me breath the same air as that vapid bimbo." Sam added glaring at Sarah who also presented a finger.

Jon cleared his... her throat. "Um... I am Jon... and we are kind of playing a sick and twisted board game." He then went on and explained all he cared to about what had already happened, which included what happened to Joseph and Biff.

"You can't expect us to believe that shit." Sam said, standing up to leave.

"Oh just sit your punk ass down and see." Sarah said. "Or are you scared?"

Sam game Sarah a dark glare and then sat down beside Karyn. Roger Sat beside her and Jon. Two new game pieces appeared on the board with the rest. "Ok, I'll humor you guys." Roger said. "So who goes now?"

"Me, Sarah, Biff, Joseph, Karyn, then you two. Sam then you I guess, then Steve again." Jon said as he picked up the dice and rolled.

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