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10. ...hand it to Karyn.

9. Who's Your Daddy?

8. Pulling Ahead

7. ...gets a three

6. It's a four

5. Karyn Rolls A Five

4. Karyn

3. Games

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

The Game: Karyn's Your Daddy!

avatar on 2009-05-10 13:21:24

2664 hits, 189 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon was kinky, but incest was going a bit too far for him. If he was going to have to see someone acting like Zoe's husband, it would have to be someone from outside the family.

"Here, Karyn," he reached over and handed her the card, ignoring the shocked look of betrayal on her face, "I just can't go through with being married to my sister."

As soon as the card touched Karyn's skin, there was a flash of light and things were different. Jon suddenly found himself cold, for one thing, looking down at his now completely naked body. He quickly covered up his privates, but found that nobody was looking at him anyway.

All eyes were on Karyn. She also looked different. Here long blonde hair was now a blonde brush cut. Her face was the same, but her make-up was gone. She now was wearing a blue suit, one that Jon had seen his father wear many times, however it was cut to suit Karyn's huge boobs and curvy frame. Also, there was a very obvious bulge in the crotch.

"Oh, sweetheart," Zoe stood up, smiling, "I'm so glad you're here! We're stuck in this silly game and it's getting a bit racy."

Karyn came around the table and grabbed Zoe for a kiss. When their lips parted, Jon's sister was blushing.

"Not in front of the children, dear, and anyway, we have to finish the game before we can do anything."

"Jon," Karyn then turned on him as she went back to her seat, "I understand why you gave me that card, but I'm disappointed in you. You're going to have to man up one of these days and take responsibility."

"But dad!" Jon whined, unable to stop himself.

"No buts, son, you're almost a grown-up, so you're going to have to learn to act like it. Now whose turn is it?"

Zoe leaned across the table and put her hand on Karyn's. "It's yours, hon."

"Well, alright then. Let's get this over with."

Karyn grabbed the dice and rolled. It came up with a...

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