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8. Pulling Ahead

7. ...gets a three

6. It's a four

5. Karyn Rolls A Five

4. Karyn

3. Games

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

The Game: Pulling Ahead

avatar on 2009-05-07 11:59:24

2913 hits, 205 views, 0 upvotes.

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Zoe quickly grabbed the dice and threw a twelve. She was very uncomfortable with how things were turning out so far with the game, relieved that she would be pulling so far in the lead, bringing her closer to finished. She pulled a card.

Looks like mom is in a bad condition, you'll now have to take her position

Zoe was confused by the card, but not for long. The air seemed to shimmer around her, and suddenly her clothes seemed to be much looser. No more tight black corset, long black dress, tall black boots, but instead she was wearing a flower print dress with an apron, a pair of pink kitten heels.

"What the fuck!" she shouted, which sent Mikey, the playboy bunny, into tears. Zoe's heart broke at the sight.

"Oh Mikey, sweety," she said soothingly, "no need to cry." She grabbed his head and lay it against her bosom. "This silly game will be over soon and everything will be all right. You'll see! When we're done, how about I make you your favorite cookies?"

Mikey's face lit up at the mention of cookies, and Zoe's heart skipped a beat. Her little sweetheart had such an effect on her.

Except, that normally it didn't! She shook her head. "What the hell was that! I'm acting like mom!"

"And doing an alright job at it too!" the naked Karyn snickered.

"Aw, Shuddup" Mrs. Madison drunkenly slurred from the floor.

Jon snatched up the dice, closed his eyes and rolled a...

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