After the reading the card, Jon felt dizzy and then looked at the others. His vision scanned around the table: His mom, Karyn, Jon ... wait a minute!
Jon looked down at himself. Except he wasn't dressed as a "he" anymore. He was dressed a "she" in fact he was dressed as his sister dressed and Zoe was dressed as he had been dressed.
The "Zoe" that sat across from him opened her mouth and said "Jon! What did you do to me?! Now I'm dressed like a dyke now!" Jon immediately shot back with, well at least girls can get away with dressing like a boy, I'm going to be a freak, I'll be lucky not to be beat up the first day back to school.
Jon and Zoe had switched their preferred style of clothes, with Jon becoming a Goth cross-dresser and Zoe dressing like a typical casual boy. No matter how much they wanted to change back they had to dress like the other would have.