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6. Silvia wants an audience

5. Super Obese

4. Silvia

3. The surprise

2. A couple living together

1. Altered Fates

Silvia wants an audience

on 2016-02-12 18:42:30

1443 hits, 62 views, 1 upvotes.

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"It...feels...amazing." she wheezed, winded and sounding out of breath from the simple act of struggling to a standing position. Granted, that had taken several minutes and his help. He looked at his beautiful girlfriend - no taller (perhaps even a very little shorter...though that may be an optical illusion) - but now so hugely swollen with fat that she looked like an almost solid ball of blubber. fat feet to thick calves to keg-like thighs flowing up to cumbersome, saddle-bag hips and rolling belly...massive, flabby breasts and huge upper arms...her hands were clumsy and almost mitten-like in their sausagey thickness. Her head was an oval-like ball of blubber atop a collar of thick, spongy fat. The impossible thickness of her heavy jowls, wobbling chins and thick lips seemed to change her features to the point of near unrecognizability. This woman...this she-blimp...looked very little like his Silvia.

She stood there for several moments, her breathing laborious and heavily as she inspected her body as best she could with her hands. She cupped her massive breasts, cuddled the sides of her surging swell of belly, and reached up to probe the contours of her new face. That face was curious and interested, though the new lazy slope of her eyes and the thickness of her cheeks gave them an eternally sleepy-looking squint. She wheezed out again in slow, heavy gasps "I mean it, feels...amazing!"

I was looking at this....nearly immobile globe of blubber that had been my slim and sexy girlfriend only a few minutes ago, and though I was fascinated, I was also more than a little scared. I watched her with worry, half expecting her to collapse of a heart attack. If I had to guess, I'd have said she was at least 800 lbs.

"Uh, okay...well, this has been fun, but..."

"Take me...out to eat." she gasped, a smile on her cartoonishly fat face. "I'm jus' hungry...I wanna eat...while people me."

He noticed that the change in shape had dome something to her voice, making it sound deeper and some how less...feminine. The thickness of her lips and the heaviness of her jowls made her speach less distinct as well, rounding off her words and making her sound less articulate. A low rumbling burbled up from deep within her belly, and she moaned in some distress.

"We'll...we'll order in. We can't use the medallion again for 12 hours..."

"I wanna eat out!" she moaned, as once again her vast belly rumbled. "I'm jus' so...hungry, John...I gotta eat an' eat a' I wanna do it while...people stare at feels so right...t' let th' people watch me...while I eat..."

as she said this, she struggled to slip the massive billowy mumu over her head, and negotiate her thick, blubbery arms through the holes. The dress had seemed so huge before - like a floral-print bedsheet - but now it actually seemed a little small.

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