The wishing stone glowed. And when the light dissipated, Jon saw that he was back in his room.
Except, his room looked a lot different. Well, as much as he could see. It was very dark.
He walked over to his door and switched on the light switch. What he saw shocked him. It was his room. But now his furniture, posters, and even his walls and curtains looked like the ones that Zoe's room had. Almost everything was black and everything else was just dark of whatever color it was.
He looked down at himself. Jon was still a guy. He thought that switching with Zoe would make him Zoe, but apparently not.
He didn't want to spend the rest of his life as a Goth. He had to get the stone to fix all of this. But at the moment, he decided to look around his "new" bedroom, just out of curiosity.
As he was looking up at the heavy metal band posters up on his wall, he caught a glimpse of himself in his mirror ...