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6. Petite

5. Karyn gets even closer to what

4. It's not quite what he wanted.

3. Mistress/Slave

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon gets tiny

on 2011-03-24 17:36:22

4958 hits, 275 views, 6 upvotes.

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"As for his appearance, I wish Jon would have a body of a rather short 18 year old girl. I wish her to be 4'10'' and even though she still develops I wish she would never reach 5 foot"

"What the hell?!" thought Jon "That's almost a foot shorter than I am now and minimum 18 inches shorter than Karyn's new height!"

He tried to move again but he simply couldn't. His limbs felt like made out of stone. He reckoned it's some magical influence of the stone. Karyn continued her cruel litany without any hesitation:

" 'Nipples' " she said. For some strange reason she felt particularly attracted to the thought of Jon having them way bigger than average. Fortunately for her the stone was ready for to transform Jon in every way she wanted. "I wish each nipple to be an inch long and half an inch thick when unstimulated and double of that when aroused." That clearly wasn't physically possible, but in the end the stone was magical, wasn't it?
"The areolae," she continued "I wish them to be, I don't know... 6 inches in diameter? Yeah. And dark pink."
Karyn thought for a moment. Despite her love for nipples she didn't want new Jon's chest to become nipples only as a result of her previous request. She needed some bosom to accompany the nipps. "I wish Jon would have proper, extremely soft but not saggy breasts to go with her nipples. Size? I just want them to be big enough to be really uncomfortable for his new body."

Karyn's descriptions were quite precise and an image of the woman Jon was to become slowly started to form in his mind. "Please, don't!" he thought "This can't be happening!". But she wanted more...

The time has come for Karyn to describe lower parts of Jon's new body. "You know Jon? My male friends keep telling me how much they appreciate the curve of female hips. I really don't know what exact measurements to give you for such a tiny height. Instead I wish your waist-to-hips ratio to be.. Let's see, the average is 0.7... I want yours to be 0.54! That way I make sure that with your pelvis almost twice as big as your waist you won't be able to make any move without setting you hips and sweet bottom in sexy motion!" Again, Karen smiled to herself knowing how uncomfortable such body-type is going to be for Jon. The slave was soon to find out.

"Don't worry! I'm almost done!" shouted Karyn cheerfully. Almost done? That's exactly the thing Jon was worrying about...

"Ok, few last but important things: your vagina. Remember me wanting a penis of size dependent on your female features? Well, with your future petite build it wouldn't be too big, which is the last thing I want with a grand male body I'm going to have. That's why I wish your vagina to be about twice as wide and deep as it would normally be. I'm sure it's going to fit fine in this big nice pelvis you're gonna have!"

"Next I wish your feet to be VERY small. I don't want them t look deformed or too abnormal, they would just make it a little bit hard for you to keep balance while standing. And most important of all they will make it impossible for you to run away from me."

"Finally, I wish your face to be the very sample of innocence with your big green eyes, long eyelashes, naturally puffy lips even Angelina Jolie would envy, tiny nose and ears. I wish your complexion to be quite pale and freckled but otherwise without any blemish. I wish you to be hairless with an exception of your head which is going to be a host for the most amazing ass-length red hair this world have seen! TA DA!! Now, how would you like THIS!"

Jon was sure he won't like it at all. But the words have been spoken. The wish has been finished now and Jon felt a slight tingling over his whole body heralding a slow but drastic change. Karyn's facial expression changed suddenly as she felt the tingling as well.

"Maybe magic isn't just some bullcrap in the end..." she said with an evil grin on her face, looking forward to what the change is going to bring...

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