They undid all the straps and he got up and looked himself over. What had they done to him?
Or, perhaps, Jon thought, what had they done to her, because he was now a leggy blonde-haired woman. More than that, Jon was a ballerina, replete with tiara, pink slippers, and pure white tights. She even had a frilly pink tutu decorated with gold trimming. She contemplated her slender, muscular arm, and noticed one of the lab techs was a little to close.
Without warming, Jon threw her arm out and broke the techs nose and began to turn toward another tech behind her. But then she heard classical music pipe through speakers throughout the room, and her aggression died away, nearly instantly replaced by the concentration and desire to dance. The kick Jon was about to deliver morphed into a beautiful pirouette.
"Hypnosis," the lead scientist said, smiling. Jon was horrified as her body moved without her control. "I think your new life involves some sort of giant music box." The scientist turned to a man in a pin-stripped suit, "Is that right?"
Pin-stripped suit nodded, but never really seemed to care for any of this.
Jon felt a pinprick against her neck, and sleepiness overtook her that overpowered the hypnosis. Still, she gracefully lowered herself to the ground.
"Sir, why are we sending someone who is essentially a trained spy to one of our clients? She's bound to figure out a way to break the hypnosis and kill him."
Pin-stripe turned to the scientist, "That's why we're sending her to a client that is behind in his payment."
Karyn floated in an empty black ether, with no real sense of life or thought. But she kept trying to reject the spell placed on her, and she began to see the shadow of the world. So, Karyn kept fighting . . .