Jon announced "I wish that, starting today, everyone in this school has the ability to transform into a sexy, attractive member of the opposite sex whenever they want, for as long as they want."
Karyn looked at him like she thought he was nuts. "What's the purpose of that, Jon?"
"Oh, think of it as a social experiment. How many boys secretly wish they were girls? How many girls wish they were boys? How many more don't wish that, but are curious enough to 'try it out' for a while?" He pushed a pair of imaginary glasses up his nose. "It'll be... interesting."
"I caught the part about 'sexy and attractive', Jon. You sure this isn't just about filling the school with hotties?"
"No... but if it is, there'll be hotties for both of us to look at," Jon said with a cheeky grin.
Just then a pounding came at the door. "Whoever's in there, come out at once! Unauthorized use of the PA system by students is forbidden. Unlock this door!"
"Oh crap," Karyn said. "Quick, wish us out of here."
"Hang on, this is a golden opportunity to try out our new gender-changing ability!" Jon said with a wink.
Meanwhile, outside the school secretary had finally found the key to the door and was about to unlock it...