Well? Any fucking clue what we swapped?
"None in the slightest I am afraid but perhaps it is better this way at least I can assume whatever I acquired was truly mine and not have the knowledge that whatever I obtained, whatever it may be came from a creature such as yourself." replied Zoe
Miranda Considered this.
"Fine Now piss of back to the hole you crawled from with your freak friends"
Zoe replied in a tone indicating sarcasm "Yes I shall and you enjoy your afternoon with the rest of your chums wont you?"
Zoe pivoted on her heel and gracefully made her way back to her friends holding her shoulders and back straight with her head up and body swaying daintily
Miranda shouted up the hall "Fuck you" with that she turned and marched her way towards the door in an aggressive manner Shoulders and back slightly lurching toward her target.
Zoe traded her foul mouth
Miranda traded her posture