Karen immediately relaxed her entire body. She wasn't exactly sure how to control everything, it all felt so weird, and didn't want to risk Jon grabbing the stone back. She still liked Jon and couldn't blame him for his little power trip, but she wasn't about to let him get back the 'upper hand'. Karen groaned inwardly at that last thought.
Karen could feel most of her body becoming increasingly agitated. It was clear Jon stress level was rising and the majority of his body was responding to the hormones coming from his 'head brain'. It was also clear he currently had no ability to act on it. Unfortunately, neither did she really.
By this point, Karen realized her first wish had changed her point of view to John's head. She currently was looking up at herself. She noted 'her' eyes had closed. Her old body was limply resting on what felt like her own hips. She marvelled at the feeling of a hard penis currently resting inside her vagina. That was definitely something worth exploring- later.
Karen decided her first test would be to say something. She started by simply saying, "Testing, one two three". She heard the sound come from Jon's lips. Okay, she thought, her old body was just the hand of the whole. Since she was controlling the whole, normal speech came from the main body. It all felt so wrong.
After a little more thought, Karen risked simply clenching the other hand- Jon's 'normal' one. It worked.
"Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained," Karen said with Jon's mouth. With that, she guided Jon's 'normal' hand up to the Karen-hand holding the stone. She grasped it and immediately said, "I wish the brain in Jon's hand would be the only one in this body recognized as a person by the stone, and therefore the only one capable of making a wish. I wish the brain in Jon's hand, which remains fully in control of the whole, knew fully and effortlessly how to control the whole of the body, however the point of view of the hand-brain would return to the hand-body. I also wish the head brain of the body would be able to speak through the head mouth, but only when actively permitted by the hand brain, the default being that the head brain was mute."
Karen took inventory of herself. She noted her eyes were now closed, which was logical now that she was seeing things through her 'own' body again. She marvelled at how that body felt though, and the new 'parts' that were available in her mind now. Not the least of which was a second mouth which she knew was closed but sensed she could open if she wanted...