Jon was so ready, so very ready to just do it in the shower with his hand to help him, but the intense sensations from his left hand made him feel so... unbalanced.
After all, humans are supposed to be symmetrical, or at least mostly symmetrical, and in contrast to his left, his right hand felt so... dead, so small, so insignificant, so useless...
Then he concocted an idea. It was a stupid idea, but for some reason he could find no fault in it, and thus with Karyn in tow he quickly made his way out of the shower, mindful to cover both himself and his hand with towels, and back to his room.
Karyn was looking curious, but didn't say much as she leaned over to pick up the stone in the corner of the room. She even looked at it, but had no inclination to think about it beyond noting that it was the wishing stone, she didn't even make the connection that Jon wanted to make a wish.
And behind her, Jon said, "I wish..."