After the morph was completed, Jon was disgusted. Karyn, as Jon's father, was still rubbing his penis. He pushed Karyn's new male hand out of his pants and immediately backed away.
"What's the matter, Jon?" Karyn said, in Jon's father's voice. "You always like it when I do that."
Jon looked around the room. His real dad wasn't in the room anymore. "Where's my dad?"
"I'm right here, Jon," Karyn, as Jon's dad, said.
Apparently, Karyn had become his father. No, Karyn had replaced his father. But it seemed that some of Karyn's personality was still intact. What's Jon going to do? He can't have his father acting like Karyn. Or is it Karyn looking and acting like his father? Or both?
Jon's head spun with confusion.