"... would look over my homework for mistakes."
I blinked. That didn't make any sense. But somehow I felt compelled to look at several sheets of paper that weren't in my hand a minute ago.
"No, really, I have an essay due tomorrow and I'm a terrible speler. I mean, speller. These things are really important, I don't want to grow up not able to express myself properly in English."
"Oh," I said. Karyn watched while I corrected her spelling with a pencil. Then I handed the bra to her. "Here's your bra back."
"It's yours!" she said.
"No, it's yours, you must have it."
Puzzled, she took the bra. It felt right for me to give it to her. (It turned out that when she wished my underwear were panties, the wish couldn't change the bra to panties, so instead it made the bra not be mine.)
"Now, I wish you'd fall asleep until morning."
I didn't hear anything else. I don't think she even said anything else. But I woke up in the morning, no longer feeling passive. I couldn't help be self-conscious of my new female sex. I had changed! How could I go walking around knowing that I didn't have what I used to have?
I looked over on my dresser for the stone. It was still there. I reached to pick it up when suddenly I heard Karyn's voice from thin air. "Jon, if you must know, before I woke you up I wished all my other wishes could be changed back after a week. In the meantime, I wouldn't even try changing back. This message will self destruct in one second..." Nothing happened after that except I heard Karyn's voice say the word "boom".
I got up and got out some clothes. My normal clothes seemed to fit, despite my new female sex. Almost my normal clothes, anyway. My underwear was only panties, and I had no choice but to put on a new pair.
After showering and eating breakfast I went to school, where...