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15. Getting Ready

14. His idea

13. Acceptance

12. Discovery

11. Realizations

10. Lost a voice, found new life

9. Jody's blog

8. Mild Irritation

7. Who needs doctors?

6. Pleasant and Rude Awakening

5. Complacency and its cures

4. Realizations

3. Fine Tuning

2. Jenny

1. Altered Fates

Getting Ready

on 2008-01-12 11:51:56

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I was wearing a blue dress that showed ample cleavage, fit my form down to my waist and then flared out. The skirt stopped well above my ankles since even though we were the same size in hips and waist, I was still a few inches taller than Jenny. My feet were still too big for any of her shoes, so I was just in stocking feet with my toes painted red.

I was sitting on the stool in front of her vanity with my hands out to the sides letting my fingernails dry the same color as my toes, and Jenny was sitting in front of me putting the finishing touches on my face.

A few artistic strokes later, she reached over and picked up some clip-on earrings and my outfit was complete.

"Thank you for helping me with my makeup, Mrs. Jones, but you should get dressed and go now. My husband will be back with dinner soon!" I spoke in as girlish a voice as I could muster, again coming very easily, and fluttered my eyelashes at Jenny. I saw her nipples harden in response to the earth spinning due to the piercings, but her face went flush and she giggled. I was suddenly aware of my own piercings hidden behind the bodice of the dress and the bra she picked up at the store earlier that day for me.

"Ok, go out to the living room and wait for me. I'll be out, er, I mean," she stammered for a moment and just gazed at me as I stood up. "Go wait in the living room for him," she emphasized him as if it was someone else, "and I'm sure he will be right there with dinner."

I smiled at her and did a little curtsy as a joke. "Just make sure you wear those boxers like I asked, ok?" She nodded and I walked out to the living room, being careful not to touch anything since my nails were still tacky.

It was so weird to be wearing my wife's clothes and makeup, and especially some of her intimate things, but the weirdest part of it all was that I was wearing my OWN bra! A black, lacy affair that, while not a perfect fit, was actually more comfortable than I thought a bra would ever be.

I waved my hands around to get my nails to dry faster and after a few minutes tapped one against another to find that my nails were indeed dry.

I was about to reach for the remote control when the doorbell rang. I grinned when I heard an "oh, shit" from the bedroom. I got up and ran as fast as the dress would allow to the kitchen counter and grabbed the money for the delivery guy. Then I got to the door and grabbed the handle as my wife turned the corner and froze when she saw what I was about to do. She was wearing the boxers I had asked her to wear and a t-shirt that she apparently had just thrown on so she could answer the door.

Opening the door I smiled at the delivery boy. "Hi, Ma'am, twenty three, forty nine, please?" As I counted out the cash he inquired, "You going out tonight?"

I smiled at him and said in as girlish a voice as I could, "I was, but my husband decided he would rather stay home tonight. All dressed up for nothing." I put a bit of irritation in my voice and handed the teenager three $10 bills.

"He's stupid then, I'd take you out and show you off in a heartbeat, Ma'am." He paused awkwardly and then took the bills. "Oh, uh, I have to go get change from the car" and he handed me the bag of food.

"It's alright, dear. Keep the change." I started to back away from the door as he said "Thanks!" with a cracking voice. Then I closed the door and turned around. Jenny looked positively ravenous. "Jenny?"

"Oh, Jody, I've never been more turned on in my life!" She sprang forward and started to kiss me, but I pushed her away and clucked my tongue with a smile.

"You're smearing my lipstick!" I said in mock frustration. She took a step back and chuckled at me. "What's taking you so long anyway? You've been in there for like 20 minutes."

"Oh, nothing," she said a bit sheepishly. "Just trying to get into character."

"Ok, well go become my husband and I'll get dinner ready for us." I leaned forward and gave her a rough kiss on the cheek, leaving almost as much lipstick there as I had intended. "I have to fix my makeup too now."

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