well how was it spelled tell me." jen was starting to get impatient
should kary... karen tell her the truth or keep her in the dark...
To save hassle she just told him/her a big fat lie.
"With a Gee, like generashon" Karen said.
"Gen? That's a stupid way to spell Jen."
"Yeah that's why I changed it"
"Okay my turn"
Karyn went into the room and closed the door after she gave Jen the stone.
"Karen has no imajination" thought Jen "she picked exactly the same wish as me"
Out loud she said "I know. I wish Karin had a good imajination. There that's harmless and will help her, not that I wish something silly would happen"
Splatt! went the creem pie as it splatted into Jen's face.
Karyn opened the door and laffed.
As she stepped out the room she asked "What happenened?" as Jen wiped the pie off her face.
"I made a mistake, I said I wish something silly would happen."
Bang! went Karen as she hit the floor after slipping on the bananana skin that had apeared there.
When she got back up, she asked Jen what she had wished for apart from the silly thing.
"Guess." Jen told her