(Originally written by: FrauMannelig)
"Since you are currently a living marble statue, you may choose between the following races: Clay golem, granite man, and ruby elemental."
"Shit." exclaimed Caleb. The mischievous game responded, "That is not in your option list. But if you really want, I can include a mud ooze, which has similar physical capabilities to living human excrements."
"Stop! Don't turn me into poop!" Caleb yelled. Looking at the others, he realized that this game could turn him into a dung heap without any qualms.
"You are very perceptive." stated the game. Let me explain your three options: As a clay statue, you get to be really tough and can regenerate all injuries. As a granite statue, you'll be nearly invulnerable, but when you're injured, you can crack into pieces. As a ruby statue, you'll be extremely good-looking."
Caleb looked down at his marble body. He stroked with his fingers over his hairless thighs and shuddered in appreciation of the smooth surface. He touched his groin and got hard almost instantly. "Uh-o-oh!" he stammered and looked into the round in shame.
But the others seemed to be interested in his boner, in fact. Marla observed him with a polite smile, Catalina licked her lips, and Jennifer fingered her belly pussy. She drooled, ready to jump him.
The male Jackie, however, frowned at Caleb.