(Originally written by: Writer12)
"Rubber is so last century" Caleb spoke. "I have a diamond here in love with me, and who am I to ruin her sparkle? I choose to make her indestructible."
"As you wish." As the game lit up, Caleb felt Cindy grow heavier in his arm. Not only that, but her body was shinier, more reflective, as if she was instantly stronger. She giggled as she began to kiss Caleb's arm. "Go ahead Caleb, try to break her. Any attempt would make her feel pleasure."
Cindy was grabbed by both hands before he bend her sideways. Any other time this would appear gruesome, but she never broke. In fact, the stress on her body made her feel pleasure! She shouted in a moan as her "eyes" rolled back into her head. Caleb tried again and again, but every time nothing happened; besides making her moan. "Wow, she is strong."
"Indeed. Now Cindy...uh, Cindy?" Cindy was set down, but she was lost. "Cindy. CINDY." She eventually came to, "Your choice...even though I think I know this one too. Pain or pleasure, Caleb or Kathy?"