(Originally written by: Writer12)
"What?! No way! I'm not jealous!"
"Are you sure?" the game asked.
"Yes! I am not jealous and I will never be jealous!"
"Cindy..." Caleb spoke out.
"Shut up! I'm not!"
"But you are, since you just lied." Cindy blushed as the others shook their heads. "I'm sorry Cindy, you had a chance. Now for your punishment." Cindy's body lit up and her eyes sparkled. But, it died down after about a few seconds. "That's it?" Katy asked.
"What did you do to her?" Marla asked. However they heard soft moaning. Cindy had her hands near her cunt, softly massaging it. She looked down at the hole where Caleb was with a glazed look. "oh....Caleb..."
"I made her to where all she could think about is Caleb, but she cannot move from her spot."
"I like the sound of that!" Caleb spoke from his hole.
"I thought you would." the game chuckled, "Alright Jennifer, its your turn. What's the wildest sexual fantasy you ever had?"