Jon/Zoe grabbed his head (Zoe's head) in frustration. He was so confused.
"Zoe, what's wrong?" Karyn asked, approaching Jon/Zoe.
"I'm not Zoe! I'm Jon! But ... I just can't remember. How did I get into Zoe's body!" he yelled, panicking.
"You're Jon? What the fuck are you talking about?" Goth Jon asked. "I'm Jon." He looked down at the stone in his hand. He knew that it could make almost any wish come true, so almost anything could happen. But his sister with his mind? Why would anyone even wish something like that? Wanting to know what was going on, maybe as much as his sister did, Goth Jon then said "I wish I knew why you think you're me." The stone glowed, granting his wish. And suddenly, he had his answer. But it didn't make much sense. The stone told him that he and his sister switched minds. But if that were true, then Goth Jon would be Zoe. But he wasn't Zoe. He was Jon. Right?
"Wait a minute," Karyn said to Jon/Zoe. "If you're really Jon, then what happened to Zoe?" She turned towards Goth Jon. "What did the stone tell you?"
"It doesn't make any sense," Goth Jon said.
"What doesn't make sense?" Karyn asked.