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13. A trip and a message

12. Odds and Ends

11. Searching the Mess

10. ...but the trip proves harder

9. Not Alone in the House

8. Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend

7. Even More Shirts

6. Getting Dressed

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

BTGG: Pit Stop

on 2019-09-11 18:00:24

2852 hits, 205 views, 8 upvotes.

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Jon finished cleaning the room, satisfied that the place was now comfortably organized. How he had let it get so messy he had no idea, really. Now that everything was back in place, it was much easier to get ready. One such returned item, a small tube of lipstick, caught Jon's eye. Opening the tube, he was delighted to find the dark color complemented his new nails wonderfully. Deciding to experiment, he ran the stick over his lips, distributing the color carefully and rubbing his lips together to get it applied right.

Glancing in the mirror, though, something looked wrong. Sure, the dark gloss it gave to his lips looked nice, but it seemed off on his face. After a moment he realized the trouble. His face was all stubbly! Facial hair looked gross combined with painted lips, and even Jon's juvenile scruff threw off the whole look. Happy to have found the problem, Jon stepped out into the hall, traveling to the bathroom to fix the problem. Along the way he kept his arms crossed over his chest, hoping to minimize the chaffing there. His body had some give there, though Jon still felt a little constricted when he held his arms close to his chest like that. It really wasn't fair. Zoe barely had breasts, yet because she was a girl she could wear a bra for them. Meanwhile Jon... well, never mind that.

Jon was so busy considering his chest that he forgot for a moment why he had come to the bathroom by the time he got there. Something about his face, he thought, but checking his face he saw his pale cheeks and chin were as smooth as they always were. The sides of his head were getting a little long, though. Finding the electric razor, Jon flicked it on and went to work on his head, shaving down the lower part of his hair around on the back and sides. The undercut evened out his hair, leaving the rest of his dark locks to fall neatly a little past his jaw. There, much better.

While he was in the bathroom, Jon saw to the rest of his bathroom routine. He already had his lips covered, but he took a while more to shade his eyelids with shadow, highlight his pale eyes with mascara and winged eyeliner. He evened out and contoured his face with a little foundation, plucked and penciled his eyebrows to get the right shape. It was all rather extensive, but necessary to get the look Jon liked. The look people liked to see him in.

Finding some more jewelry in the bathroom cosmetics drawer, Jon picked up a pair of dangling silver ankhs. Well, weren't these stylish? Seized by a sudden whim, Jon found the hooks attached to the head of the ankhs and felt around his ears, finding the small holes there and slipping them inside. They did a lot to round out his look, contrasting his dark features and hair, emphasizing his pale complexion. Jon found himself grinning ear to ear at how nice he looked, even as he had to walk back to the room cupping his chest.

Back inside, Jon retrieved his phone, held his face up to the screen. In a flash of inspiration, he realized what he had been doing wrong. He gave the camera a severe look--pouting his black, full lips, staring out with large gray eyes surrounded by thick lashes--and the screen unlocked. How dumb could he be? Of course the phone didn't recognize him, he hadn't even put on his face yet! Giggling at his lapse, Jon flipped through his phone to see what he had missed, easily relying on the tip of his long nail rather than his fingertip.

To his surprise, there was a text waiting for him, from Biff of all people. That idiot? Jon felt himself tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear, feeling suddenly self conscious that he had been texted by one of the guys waiting downstairs for him. He half expected the text to be some sort of taunt or mockery--Biff was a horrible bully, after all. And yet, neither was he surprised with what it actually said: You doing okay up there? Been up there awhile. Jon smiled, amused by Biff's apparent concern for him. Pulling up the digital keyboard with his fingernails, Jon tapped out a quick reply.

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