As soon as Jon's mom left the room, karyn flung open the closet door and searched the room.
finally she found it under Jon's pillow, she was about to make a wish when she realized that, she did want to change this she loved ballet, she didn't want to lose suck a major part of her life, and another thing ballet practice shouldn't be starting soon School was still going, she checked her watch again and saw that she must have misread it she still had 3 hours to go.
"I wish I was back at school in my normal class and nobody noticed that i was ever gone"
She appeared in her chemistry class, in her seat. She sat through the next to and a half hours of school.
As she was leaving for ballet practice she met up with jon who apparently had the same class as her, a few moments later Biff and Sarah also joined them on their way to practice, all of them dressed in Black leotards, white opaque tights and ballet slippers