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7. Day 1, Exercise

6. Biff to Buffy: Day 1

5. Bully into Girlfriend

4. Gradual Changes

3. Jon Gets Another Idea

2. Jon Gets an Actual Good Idea

1. You Are What You Wish

Biff into Buffy: Day 1, Exercise

on 2019-09-03 11:28:18

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Sunday: Dressed in a pair of cycling shorts and a restrictive top (which might technically be a sports bra, though Biff would never admit it), Biff jogged from his house to school, where he let himself into the workout room with his school ID. The room was thankfully empty this early in the day, giving Biff peace to exercise without the judging eyes of his fellow players. Tying back his neck length hair into a short tail and popping in his headphones, Biff got to work. He had intended to do weights today, but something about how he woke up today made him feel more like doing cardio and stretches.

Biff not too long ago would have scoffed at stretching exercises, but after getting injured a few months back his girlfriend had shown him some basic exercises which had massively helped his PT. Now he did these sort of exercises on the regular to stay limber, and found himself impressed with how flexible he was getting. There were a few bigger guys on the team, sure, but nobody could beat his range of motion.

Moving on to cardio workouts, Biff found his mind drifting as he pushed his body through exhaustion exercises. For some reason, his thoughts came back to Jon, the kid he picked on in school. Stupid Jon. Biff was sure Jon never had to worry about his girlfriend finding out he was lacking downstairs, or his teammates finding out he had a wimpy, girly chest. Guys like Jon had it easy, they had nothing to prove, nothing to worry about. Biff felt a flash of anger at that, and used that to push his body further, until he finally relented and collapsed to the mat. As Biff caught his breath and checked his pulse, he noticed his little member had stiffened inside his shorts sometime during the workout. That wasn't too unusual--exercise had a way of exciting the body, Biff knew, but he was still glad his teammates weren't around to mock him.

Deciding that was enough exercise for the morning, Biff got up and headed to the locker rooms to shower off. He had practice that afternoon, and he would need to grab some lunch before then. As he stripped and hopped into the shower, Biff's thoughts drifted again to Jon...

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