"Well," Mikey began, holding up four fingers, "First, you need to take me and my genie to the mall."
Jonnie nodded quickly.
"Second, buy me whatever I want."
"I've got three hundred in the bank." She made no hesitation.
The grin on Mikey's face went ear to ear, "Third, you must go in full ballerina costume."
Jonnie gulped, but nodded. "OK. Is that all?"
"One last thing: tell everyone there that you know that you were Jon. And then, in the middle of the food court, dance ballet for five minutes."
Jonnie blushed quickly. "I'll do it, of course, if you ask me. But, Mikey, please. I hate performing in front of a crowd. You know that I hate drawing attention to myself."
Mikey fake yawned, "Yeah, I don't care. Get your tutu, twinkletoes."