"Oh thank God it wasn't that Bo bo bo crap" said Karyn "I know" said Jon "that show makes me want to destroy the TV everyone five seconds what the hell was I thinking." Karyn added "yeah Bleach is probably the best thing on here, I mean Naruto's decent but what's this other B.S. Digimon!? I don't want to meat the sorry over friggn' eight years old who watches that." "I know" continued Jon "there's tons of better animes Hellsing, Full metal alchemist, Ghost in the shell, any dam show." Suddenly he was aware that the two of them were in black kimonos. "Damn" said Karyn in japanese "we were so distracted by our inain blather we didn't notice the changes". "Ah well" said Jon "they probably weren't very interesting any way c'mon we'd better see the rest of the town, don't forget your Zanpakuto.
soul society fun
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