The tingle was soon followed by a brief white flash. He looked down to see he was wearing Ashley's skirt and shoes. In fact, his entire lower body was Ashley's from the torso down! He looked over at her to find she was the opposite, wearing the shorts he had on this morning, with hairy legs and a bulge between them.
In wonderment, Jon looked around, trying to find a clue. He noticed everyone looked the same. He glanced down at the lab assignment sheet and immediately realized the names on it were different. Jon Gibson and Ashley Miller were replaced with Joshley Gibler and Ann Milson. He read it over, and noticed that there was a checkbox: Do you want to model a goy or a birl? There were even diagrams. Goys were girls up top and boys down below, like Ann; he must have been a birl. Clever stone, he thought to himself.
Suddenly, a wave of thoughts went through Joshley. He now had a vagina. He'd never stand up to use the bathroom again. Perhaps he'd get pregnant. He didn't even know if he lived in Jon's house or Ashley's.
And more alarmingly, the stone is still in Ann's pocket...the pockets I don't have in this skirt!
Joshley's reverie was broken by the person on the other end of the swap. "Ew, I have a dick!" Ann tried to contain herself, speaking in hushed tones, but couldn't.