Then Jon realized which die he brought with him and got more confused. It seemed that he had brought the same die he used earlier - the sexual attribute one. This worried him more. What happened if it landed on "Female" (4) while everyone was already male for a day? Would it mix, or would it just add on a new TF after the old expired? "Heterosexual" (1) would be tricky, since there were no females in town, as would "Bisexual" (3). "Homosexual" (2), on the other hand, would make the most sense, as everyone in town was the same sex now. And "Lustful" (6) ... well, that would cause a whole can of worms of troubles, as it would probably cause people to lust everything that moved. And what would happen if the die came up as "Male" (5) again? Could people be even more male than they were right now? He just assumed the same die would not work twice, as the results would contradict, but not every die had contradictions on it and his wish never specified what happened when he rolled the same one twice.
He found the die sitting on the sidewalk nearby, picked it up, and saw that it had come up as ...