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28. Mind-changes are in order!

27. What is that transformation?

26. Let's continue

25. Let's continue

24. Let's continue

23. The show must go on: "Money or

22. Suzzy, Bobbi, and Rosa Watch

21. Cheerleaders?

20. The long walk down

19. Joing Beth

18. Carly notices Beth's friends

17. Not underwear

16. Strength is fleeting

15. Audience Participation

14. Pink's a good color for you

13. Contestant #3

12. Poor thing doesn't know a thin

11. Contestant #2

10. She gets them wrong

9. Contestant #1

"Money or Change" 6

on 2019-08-15 05:53:55
Episode last modified by Krystren on 2019-08-15 05:54:04

1894 hits, 191 views, 3 upvotes.

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„Well, we have a tie again between homosexual and pansexual … how should we do this? We could … wait, did someone vote for an imaginary option E? Naughty, Naughty. A punishment is in order!”, Carly yelled into the mic.

Suddenly, a beam of blinding light hit an audience member and, after the light faded a few seconds later, an empty seat could be seen.

“What happened … WHAT THE FUCK” cried a little creature, sitting on Petras shoulder, in shock. Petra looked to the side and saw a little fairy…. Wait, what looked like a fairy was in fact a little angel, not bigger than a can of coke! She had beautiful, white wings, blonde – almost white – hair and a little halo hovering over her head.

“I think our little demon needs an even more littler angel companion! But that potty mouth has to go!”, Carly exclaimed with a little tsk sound, waving her hand in a strange pattern.

“What have you done to me, you big meanie? Wait, I can’t use bad words anymore? Fiddlesticks! Darn! Dang rabbit! Noooo”, Adriel cried. Suddenly, she recognized her new name.

“Well, time to move on. Our dear Petra here needs a sexual preference. Infuse!”, Carly yelled.

Petra felt a buzzing sensation in her head for a couple of seconds – and that was it. Suddenly, she imagined having sex with a beautiful blonde girl, entwined in 69-position. That image soon faded, and she saw in her mind a short-haired brunette, licking her dripping cunt. That faded again shortly, and she imagined a boy, barely 18, kissing her … but was it a boy? He looked so androgynous, he could easily be a tomboy! Next, a cute Asian girl with big, fake tits …. And a big penis, ramming it into Petra’s mouth! Image after image flashed in Petra’s mind, sucking and fucking and rubbing tons of people. Her panties became wet after a minute and a dark oval appeared on her pantie. Suddenly, she squirmed and orgasmed, and fell on her knees. She breathed heavily.

“You are now pansexual, that means having sexual relationships with people regardless of their sex or gender identity – but leaning a bit to girls! Well, let’s go to the last round! What are your choices?”

After acquiring a sum of about 40.000 bucks, Petra chose an empty box for the last time.

“Wohoo! Time for the last transformation! And to make it exciting, we won’t tell you what the options are about! These are your possibilities:

a) Ice-cold popsicles
b) Little Waterfalls
c) Blistering and Broiling
d) Useful supporter

What are your choices!?”

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