You see, I think that the wish has turned us into reflections of what our strongest ethnic heritage is. I am mostly German on my mothers side." said Karen in a thick German accent. "What are you?"
John thought for a second "I am 50% irish on my mothers side...I guess when the wish was interprited, it thought to change us into the same gender of our anscestor with whom we share the strongest ethnic characteristics...I knew there would be a catch."
Just then, more screams were heard from outside Karen's house.
"Oh No!!!!" gasped Karen. My brother and his 3 friends are out there by the pool. Quick, we have to go see this."
"But Karen, we are not dressed" protested John.
"It doesnt matter, they wont know who we are and after they change back they will not remember any of it." Karen replied.
They both ran downstairs in a hurry. Karen had to get used to here increased jiggliness, and John found the sensations of jiggling wierd altogether. "Thank god this is just for one day" said john.
They got to the back door and stepped onto the pool deck. There they saw...