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18. Eric's Costume: Steve's house

17. Eric's Costume: The Contest

16. Dirty Dancing Competition

15. Introductions

14. The Center of Attention

13. his sister

12. A Little Fun Can't Hurt

11. Having Trouble Deciding

10. go to the party

9. his sister

8. Creating An Alibi (Faking Sick

7. Conflicting Thoughts

6. jessica

5. Caught in the Driveway

4. Success (Old West Show Girl Co

3. Sister showgirl

2. Eric

1. Altered Fates

Eric's Costume: Steve's house

on 2015-06-03 17:38:18

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As the song ended, and the overhead lights came on to signal the end of the party, Eric found his head on Steve's shoulder. Eric sprang to attention, at the shock, and found Steve to be holding his body tight against his.

"Dude!" Eric shouted as Steve looked back, equally shocked.

"Dude." Steve said backing away. "Sorry, I uh... forgot." Steve's face went flush. Eric was more upset than embarrassed, as he backed away.

"You forgot that I was a dude?!" asked Eric.

"Well," Steve motioned to Eric's Showgirl costume covered feminine body. "I mean, yeah. Look at you!" Eric took a look down at his body, and figured that under different circumstances he might make the same mistake.

"Oh, yeah." Eric chuckled "I guess it's not totally your fault, dude."

"Still though..." Steve said with a smile "You dance really well." Eric grinned, and punched his friend on the shoulder as hard as he could. Steve barely flinched as he barely felt it.

"Okay, dude. I'll see you tomorrow, at school!" Eric said as he walked in his heels, back to his car. Eric was fairly certain that Steve was staring at his ass, but Eric was too embarrassed to look back. He was upset at his friend before, but now he was upset at himself. He had agreed to the dance, and Steve certainly didn't force him to dance so close. It just felt natural to Eric, and that was starting to scare him.

When he arrived at his car, he realized he had made a huge mistake. Having no pockets in this sexy costume, Eric had left his keys in the car... which locked itself once he got out. Eric could see his keys in the ignition, and he banged his feminine fist on the car door as he shouted.


"What's the problem?" Steve called out, rushing over from his own car. Eric turned, self consciously toward his friend.

"I fuckin' locked my keys in the car!" he explained. Steve smiled slightly at this news.

"Dude, I think I have your spare in my room, back home." Steve said.


"Yeah, remember a couple months ago, you asked me to hold onto your spare, just in case?" Steve explained.

"Oh yeah!" Eric remembered "Great! You'll drive me there and back to get the key?" he asked, sweetly.

"Sure thing dude!" Steve said, leading Eric,by his tiny waist over to his own car, and opening the door for him.

"Thanks...." Eric said, thinking about how his friend was treating him like a girl, as he slid his ass into the seat and then swung in his feet as Steve closed the door.

The ride over was slightly awkward, as Eric could swear that Steve kept stealing looks at Eric's legs and chest. Eric tried to ignore it as the ride wasn't too far, but something deep inside him liked it.

Once they were at Steve's house, Steve opened the car door for Eric, and took his hand to help him out of the car. Eric wanted to protest, but found it was easier this way anyway, and let it slide. Steve opened the front door for Eric as well, and even led Eric up the stairs to his room from behind.

Eric sat himself on Steve's bed as Steve started to look around his room for the keys. He watched his friend look in his cabinets, across his desk, through his drawers, and he began to grow worried as Steve looked through his closet, and then under the bed itself. The entire time, Eric was growing more and more uncomfortable in this costume, and his fidgeting was increasing.

"Dude." Steve popped his head up next to Eric from beside the bed. "I can't find them!"

"Goddammit!" Eric exclaimed as he threw himself down on the bed. "I need to get home and change out of this costume dude!"

"Oh." Steve said, eyeing Eric wistfully "Um... I can loan you some clothes..." he suggested. Eric considered it for a moment, and then agreed.

"okay dude, I need to get out of this Showgirl costume, it's starting to pinch my boobs." Eric said, not realizing what he had said. Steve looked at him in a half smile.

"Yeah, dude. I hate when my boobs get pinched!" he teased.

"Just give me some clothes, dude." Eric said, upset as his own mistake.

"Here." Steve said, handing Eric a pair of jeans and a tshirt. " you can go across the hall and get changed in my sister's room, while I try to find those fucking keys, okay?"

"Uh, Sure." Eric responded as he took the clothes across the hall and closed the door.

Fifteen minutes later, the door opened, and Eric came back into Steve's room. Steve had his head under his desk, pulling crumpled papers, and socks out, having still not found the keys, so he didn't notice Eric enter.

"Uh... Steve?" Eric asked "I found something better than you gave me, that's not a problem is it?" as Eric tossed his friends jeans and tshirt back onto the bed.

Steve looked up at his friend, and his jaw almost fell off his face as he saw his friend, in what could only have been his sister's clothes.

"uhhhhh... no." Steve said flatly "No problem at all....."

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