Jon couldn't believe the change in Karyn. She looked horrible. Much worse then he would have ever imagined her looking just because she was now a nerd. The dice were clearly very much into the hollywood stereotype of nerds Jon realized. He knew now that he too probably looked about the same if not worse and this was confirmed when he looked down. His gut was bigger, his arms were thinner and pastey white and he was wearing the most god awful poindexter outfit imaginable. A button down shirt with a sweater vest and bowtie, cordoroy slacks that were too short, unmatched socks and brown oxfords.
"Nice bowtie, Jon" Karyn snorted and pulled on his red poke a dotted bowtie.
"Stop it, Karyn" Jon swatted her hand away in irritation. "We have to change this." He didn't want to live like this.
"Okay, but lets explore a little bit first and see what exactly was changed by the dice roll."
"Alright, but the moment it starts getting too weird we come back here anf fix this."