"your wearing my costume!!!! and you look good in it!" exclaimed his sister
"oh hi Shannon" Eric managed to say
"I told you, you'd be suprised to see his costume" Shannon's friend jessica said
"how'd you fit into it" she asked
"oh! this is just a body suit" eric replied
"it looks amazing so real" she said putting a hand on Eric's breast
"that's why i bought it" he replied pushing his sister's hand away
"a little touchy feely are we" she snickered
"oh quiet you"
"Oh! i just thought of something, you should put the mask on and pretend to be our cousin and then for the best costume prize you take off the mask, It'll be hilarious to see everyone's faces"
"you know that's not to bad of an idea, only i don't know if i could play the part of a girl too well"
"oh i'll help you but we should be going in don't you think."
"let's go" erci replied sliding the mask back over his face